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Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Sometimes, I'm afraid to speak in English.

I'm scared to use the language.

I feel conscious and uneasy.

Thinking of what the people may say.

If I violate the English rules,

If I fail to use the language proficiently

If my grammar, isn't correct

If I don't know the proper punctuation

If I'm wrong in picking up the appropriate tenses

If my verse is lacking figurative speech

And many more violations

That against the language regulations.

Some will laugh

Some will raise an eyebrow

Some will look down on me

Some will insult or mock me 

Some will simply ignore 

And some will tell, 

and let me know my errors.

So, I can correct.

How will I learn,

if I won't let go of my fear?

How will I improve, 

if I'm not going to face the difficulty?

I never want to lose a battle, 

without any attempt to fight

I don't easily give up,

on things without trying.

It's now or never

Win or lose

At least I tried,

and I did my best.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Show Your Work

 Show Your Work

If you want to succeed in poetry, start off by showing your work.

Be proud of what you've created, even when others will smirk.

Focus on what is important, take a chance and write what you please.

Always stay true to your form and remember the abc 's

Never be afraid to fail, get back up and follow your heart.

What you think is masterfully written, others will rip apart.

There are many types of poets, together we are never alone.

Follow your own set of rules, nothing is set in stone.

Don't worry about comments, or how many hits you may get.

There is a reason why you write, so please don't ever forget.

We all have to start somewhere, ignore the bullying jerk.

If you want to succeed at poetry, start off by showing your work.


Thursday, December 24, 2020



Endearing how you fear to hold

Never treated quite right I'm told

I'll treasure you like precious gold

and we'd feel young as we grow old

and that would be endearing.

Endearing is my word for you

Your smile makes this world new

I dream we start... and I hope soon we do...

Like no love before we knew

It would surely be endearing!

Endearing how you're sometimes shy

So happy then you almost cry

So strong yet sometimes fear to try...

Can't figure you out and I know not why...

and yet you are endearing

Endearing in everything you do

You still believe in dreams come true...

Lost people find thier God in you...

And I love the way you see things new...

and you are indeed... endearing

I’d wait a life time for one chance with you

Than settle for a love less true

There’s nothing you need say or do

You are endearing and I love you.

You know, I know, it's up to you

Because a love enduring still takes two.

It feels so good when I'm with you.

I believe you are my dream come true

that's why you are endearing.


Michael C Jones

Endearing how you fear to hold

Never treated quite right I'm told

I'll treasure you like precious gold

and we'd feel young as we grow old

and that would be endearing.

Endearing is my word for you

Your smile makes this world new

I dream we start ... and I hope soon we do ...

Like no love before we knew

It would surely be endearing!

Endearing how you're sometimes shy

So happy then you almost cry

So strong yet sometimes fear to try ...

Can't figure you out and I know not why ...

and yet you are endearing

Endearing in everything you do

You still believe in dreams come true ...

Lost people find thier God in you ...

And I love the way you see things new ...

and you are indeed ... endearing

I'd wait a life time for one chance with you

Than settle for a love less true

There's nothing you need to say or do

You are endearing and I love you.

You know, I know, it's up to you

Because a love enduring still takes two.

It feels so good when I'm with you.

I believe you are my dream come true

that's why you are endearing.



Tuesday, December 8, 2020



Nothing or nobody born with perfection

The Almighty is the only exception

Surrender of imperfection leads to divinity

Work with devotion can bring eternity.

Lack of comprehension, lack of loyalty

Very often the cause of failure and frailty.

Some imperfection comes closer to perfection

Through the path of patience, perseverance and rectification.

All imperfections need to be revised, remoulded, mended

Only imperfections get a chance to be refined, reformed

Like a piece of gold sparkles forever in the end we must comprehend

Becomes the legandry instance in the annals of mankind in hand

No perfection without imperfection a naked truth to accept

As there's no rising without falling nobody can ignore the concept

Admittance of own imperfections remains above all suspect

Rightly one said, 'advice is better than precept' we have to expect.

Imperfection like childhood seeks a place, person and time

Caring, and dairing to share undoubtedly attracts like a rhyme

Suppressing imperfection like germinating seed to grow a poison tree

Before bearing the fruits better to fell the tree to be fair and free


Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Pain .. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Ailing with fever, hurting with searing knifelike stabs

Imagine having your heart tore to shreds by a beast

Needing drs to fix the broken pieces that once was thee. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Acknowledging a sore (Cancer) inside eating you alive 

Indescribable unprecedented searing punches and stabs

Needing pills - the immense pain and hurt must flee ... 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

A throbbing, gnawing, sharp toothed beast biting you

Imagine falling into the flames of hell - your skin melting off

Needing an IV filled with fluid, medicine to appease the beast. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Ailments unnoticeable ... Inside burried deep, an organ or two.

Indescribable fear of hurting so bad and yet wating to live ...

Nothing compared to a problem no one can see it will repeat .. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Another Dr, Another Pill, Another Shot, Another Day ...

Impenetrable beast, they say. It won't go away, it's here to stay

Nothing will fix this monster - you must live with it in thee.





It won't go away. It is here to stay. Live with it they Say. PAIN! 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Forever chasing dreams


Forever chasing dreams

I'm Forever chasing dreams

I know I will never achieve

But I know to never give up

In my heart I still believe


I know rainbows don't exist

They are images in my mind

But I know I still have to believe

A pot of gold is hiding behind

Forever I have been searching

But still I have to find my gold

It's a story my father told me

When I was nearly 3 years old

I have never lost that faith

Or the will that drives me on

I will keep on searching for my goal

Until I know all my hope has gone

You may think that I'm a dreamer

But dreams are all I have left now

For without my dreams my life is over

But still I will cope with life somehow

You see I have never been a quitter

I live my life the best I can

You see I'm not a hopeless dreamer

In every dream I see a master plan

What is a man without a dream

A mere shadow of himself on show

Wandering through his life aimlessly

With no particular place to go

We have all had this feeling

At one time or another in our life

That's why I cling on to my dreams

It helps me banish all my strife

One day I know I will find my dream

I know it's just a matter of faith

Until then I will still go on believing

For my beliefs are what keep me safe


Thursday, November 26, 2020



Everytime I sit and I start to think

How much more of depression can I take

Am watching my life slowly breaking down

I have been swimming in pain and am starting to drown

Am suddenly broken by my past

I used to be a shinny metal but am now full of rust

I have all these pipo Infront of me, but why do I still feel alone

Am struggling to find a shoulder to lean on

Am sitting, lost in my mind trying to find where to go

Am acting tough on the outside but am crying inside my soul

I have got alot to say but something inside tells me not to speak


I'm sorry

 Anyone report ..? 

I'm sorry:


I'm sorry i'm who i'm.

I'm sorry i do not wanna date because im inlove with my hate.

I'm sorry I'm so broken inside which I'm at war with my pride.

I'm sorry i feel my only friends are all on the opposite side.

I'm sorry I even have numerous problems I feel I gotta hide.

I'm sorry I pushed everyone away when all I wanted to try to to was die.

I'm sorry I clothed to be this manner.

I'm sorry I concede when all I see is red.

I'm sorry I'm cursed with a devil in my head.

I'm pitying all the mean things that i said.

And I'm pitying how all I feel inside is dead.

I'm sorry that i would like to be accepted ...

But all I feel in life is rejected or deceptied.

I'm sorry I lie saying, this is often me doing my best

As I keep getting high, cutting my wrist.

I'm sorry im inlove with sins i can not confess.

It's why my life is usually a multitude.

I'm sorry i could not see my soul was lost within the dark and that i couldn't break away.

It drives you mad.

And I'm sorry I'm hurting so bad because I lost everything I had.

I'm sorry I wasn't an honest son or brother or couldn't be a dad.

I'm sorry this depression feels and spreads sort of a disease.

I'm sorry I'm stuck during a nightmare nobody can see.

I'm sorry my heart is very easy to bleed.

See, I'm pitying tons of things, things not many would believe.

But most of all I'm pitying being "ME


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

যদি আপনি জিনিসটা না পছন্দ করে থাকেন জিনিসটি পাল্টে ফেলুন।


বলা হয়ে থাকে যদি আপনি জিনিসটা না পছন্দ করে থাকেন জিনিসটি পাল্টে ফেলুন।আর যদি জিনিসটি পাল্টাতে না পারেন নিজের চিন্তাশক্তিকে প্রয়োগ করে একে গ্রহণযোগ্য করে গড়ে তুলুন। কেউ গোল্ডেন এ প্লাস  পেয়েও দুখী কারণ তার বন্ধুও তাই পেয়েছে। কেউ এপ্লাস পেয়ে দুঃখী কারণ সে গোল্ডেন এ প্লাস পাই নি। কিন্তু তাদের কোনো এক বন্ধু  বি গ্রেড পেয়ে পার্টি করছে।

 বিচ্ছেদ হলে পজেটিভ মানুষগুলো চিন্তা করে, জীবনভর ভুল মানুষের সাথে থাকার চেয়ে ভালোই হলো, হয়তো আরো ভালো কোন মানুষ আমার  জীবনে রয়েছে, যে সময়গুলো আমার তাকে মনে পড়বে সেই সময় গুলোকে আমি কাজে লাগিয়ে আমি আমার গ্রহণযোগ্যতা বাড়াবো।

 এক্ষেত্রে নেগেটিভ মানুষগুলো চিন্তা করে, আমার কি হবে, আমি কিভাবে বাঁচবো, তার সাথে কাটানো সময় গুলো কিভাবে ব্যয় করবো, আমি জীবনভর দুঃখে থাকবো, আমি চিরকাল তাকে মনে করে জীবন কাটিয়ে দিব!

 এ তো গেল প্রাথমিক নেগেটিভ চিন্তা ওয়ালা লোক! কিছু মানুষ এতোটাই ভেতর থেকে ভেঙে পড়ে যে সুইসাইড করে বসে।

 জীবনে যত মানুষ যত কিছুতে উন্নতি করেছে, তারা বহুবার বিফল হয়েছে।কিন্তু তারা সেই বিফলতা কে নেতিবাচকতা দিয়ে আঁকড়ে ধরে থাকে নাই। তাই তারা আজ সফলতার মুখ দেখেছে। একটা শ্রেষ্ঠ গানের পিছনে থাকে একরাশ আবেগ। একটা পুরস্কার পাওয়া মুভির পেছনের গল্পটা লেখা হয় কোন ভাঙা হৃদয় কে কেন্দ্র করে।

 মন কিন্তু বাস্তবে একটি গাছের মতন। তাও কচি গুল্ম জাতীয় গাছ। যেখানে তাকে তার জায়গা বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া হয় সেখানে সে বেড়ে ওঠে। যখন পজিটিভ চিন্তা আসে তার সাথে আরো দশটা পজিটিভিটি সাথে নিয়ে আসে। আর নেগেটিভ চিন্তাধারা সবসময় নিজের অক্ষমতা, দুঃখ, আক্ষেপ আর না পাওয়াকে মনে করিয়ে দেয়।


Friday, November 20, 2020



When you are spending your lazy afternoon on Facebook, a lover of yours is doing tuition thanks to stomach or conscience. ~~.

once you awaken in the dark chatting or playing cards, your friend closes the space door getting to work relentlessly to satisfy the dream. ~~. At 5 o'clock within the morning once you have a lover of yours, after completing religious activities, is preparing for subsequent battle. ~~. Where you awaken and somehow brush your teeth and attend class For attendance, you're sleeping on the last bench, a lover of yours is taking notes sort of a skilled journalist. . ~

~. once you are getting to swear by smoking together with your father's money, a lover of yours is filling his stomach with the inedibles of the food within the dining hall. ~~. Nature is extremely, very, very just. Whatever you are doing, you ' ll get results. ~~. ~~ there's no shortcut to success, success isn't an address. Success may be a journey where you've got to steer an extended way. ~~. ~~ Keep trying relentlessly, success will come, 

remember nature but your karma will offer you back


Thursday, November 19, 2020


 There are many success stories. A lot of praise, a lot of pomp, a lot of formality is done, when we see success at some stage of life. Naturally, we are not all successful. In the midst of a lot of hard work, a lot of failures, an achievement deserves praise.  There is nothing wrong with organizing for success. Success must be celebrated. Because this achievement comes after many failures. ~~~~ But do we ever celebrate failure? Do you ever organize after failure and sacrifice failure?  The burden of failure is only on yourself. You are the only witness of every failure. We never make a fuss about failure. াপা The suppressed cry of failure, the intense discussions pain ‌ just stays close to us. If people know, they should be ashamed, they should be ignored. ~~~~ The fears are not wrong. When the pain of the mind is forgotten by someone. It turns out that you have given yourself a huge weapon in the hands of others. ~~~~ Overcoming you with that weapon, your weakness will be revealed for a while. So we think it is better to cover up the failure. ~~~~ But we find inspiration in success stories. Is there nothing to learn in the midst of failure? Behind every failure there must be an inspiration to stand up. ~~~~ How many times a man has failed, how many times he has tried again. How many hundreds of attempts he has failed. We don't keep track of how much hard work has deprived him of winning. ~~~~ We keep successful people at the center of our discussions. No failed man is the hero of inspiration in this world. Success stories spread. But we do not take into account the steps of failure.  There are good wishes, applause and rewards for success. But we do not extend good words, sympathy, helping hand for failure. It is our responsibility to just criticize or disrespect for failure. There is no way to deny the responsibility of failure. He has to bear the burden. But we create more complications in difficult times, increasing people's frustration and moving forward for their own success every day


Wednesday, November 18, 2020



…  These two words are one of the smallest words in the world. But people's love, emotions and feelings seem to merge into one of these two small words. The safest refuge for a child is his parents. In the midst of all adversity, just as a mother shelters her child under her arms, so in the midst of thousands of hardships, a father protects his child like a banyan tree. The so-called society; Due to lack of reality and lack, many children today are removing the words father and mother from their lives. In the pursuit of this financial and mechanical city, the inner love and humanity of the people seems to be constantly lost. Family; Parents and relationships seem to be becoming a bit of a nuisance to people all the time. Maybe today the last refuge of any parent would not be in the old age home. Maybe this society would not have been covered in the veil of selfishness. Maybe the word old age home would be erased from people's memory .. ~~~~ Parents are never the burden of a child's life .. 

~~ Rather, parents are the greatest blessing in a child's life .. ~~ Today you are your parents One day you will get back the same behavior from your child just like you are behaving with ..


Daughter child blessings and gifts.

 There are many unfortunates who turn a blind eye when they hear the good news of a daughter. Or give me a daughter whom you like, give me a state of thanksgiving with health, or a test of faith with sickness, that is also your pleasure. 

There is no one to question you. ~ But you have taught me to ask, you have given me the right to ask. Then I do not have the courage to ask you for anything, but when I look at your mercy, the courage to ask turns into courage. I want the dignity of your mercy and kindness, ~~.

I can raise him as a slave. Make him one of the slaves of your love. "~~ Daughters are blessings and gifts. By giving daughters, Allah Ta'ala indicates Paradise. May Allah Ta'ala make it clear that Paradise has become obligatory, now inshaAllah try to make it obligatory by fulfilling the assigned responsibilities properly. ~~. By giving the gift of the first child daughter, Allah Ta'ala indicates that the wife is more blessed for the husband. ~~. By giving a daughter, Allah Ta'ala opens the door of sustenance for the servant (father). ~~~~ These are not my personal words. Rather, it is the promise of Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (peace be upon him). ~~. ~~ Subhan Allah. 

Therefore, disliking a girl child can never be a sign of a believer. Rather, it is a characteristic of a kaafir. When they hear of the birth of a daughter, they blacken their faces [Surah Nahl: 56] it is the promise of Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (peace be upon him). ~~. ~~ Subhan Allah. Therefore, disliking a girl child can never be a sign of a believer. Rather, it is a characteristic of a kaafir. When they hear of the birth of a daughter, they blacken their faces [Surah Nahl: 56] it is the promise of Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (peace be upon him). ~~. ~~ Subhan Allah. 

Therefore, disliking a girl child can never be a sign of a believer. Rather, it is a characteristic of a kaafir. When they hear of the birth of a daughter, they blacken their faces [Surah Nahl: 56]


Monday, November 16, 2020

Curse of puppies


We are the simplest creatures of human creation. we will earn money by working hard, take out and make our own food. If we've money problem, we will ask people. albeit we are hungry, we will ask someone for food, but dogs and cats are dumb animals. they can not say aloud , I'm hungry, let me eat. Since we are the simplest creatures in creation, we should always lookout of all the opposite dumb creatures created by the Creator. It doesn't cost much to shop for a biscuit. Besides, you regularly throw away the food if it's stale. you'll also quench their hunger with the food you throw faraway from your house. Please never hurt them. Because if you hurt them, the creator are going to be angry too. they do not even believe what is going to happen to the puppies / cats. Killing a mother dog / cat will never save anyone from the curse of the puppies.  you cannot be an animal lover but a minimum of refrain from being an animal killer / injuryer. ~~~


Sunday, November 15, 2020



You are browsing a nasty time. tons of bad things are happening at an equivalent time with you. In such a situation you'll be disappointed, it's normal to interrupt down. Anxiety and worry in you'll work quite usual. albeit you would like to, you cannot be normal at that point , you cannot behave normally, you cannot take many things during a normal way. you've got to stay in mind that those events were pre-determined. At this point in your life, these events could also be necessary, although the unexpected things for you.  In some cases you'll handle yourself very easily. Again in some cases tons of your time goes by, but we will not get out of them.  There must be a reason behind the creation of each action, every event, every situation within the world. We might not know it . ~~~~ you'll understand if you notice a touch . At this time or within the near future, the importance of this unexpected event. you'll understand that there was a purpose behind it, which we don't understand. ~~~~ But God has planned everything and everything is occurring consistent with that plan. So our own plans remain unsuccessful. ~~ ~~ Patience Keep moving forward in life with diligence and honesty believing in yourself. Success, failure may be a a part of life. a minimum of you'll attempt to comfort yourself the maximum amount as possible


Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Roses have such thorns. In the same way, happiness is accompanied by sorrow. It is as if the rose has more beauty because of the thorns. People in search of happiness forget that happiness and sorrow are only two sides of the same coin. You must not understand the importance of anything other than one. ~~~~ You must feel the existence of sorrow because you are happy. Again you have learned to understand the meaning of sorrow so you have learned to look for happiness. Happiness you must expect because every human being deserves to be happy. There is the ability to walk, again no one has the ability at once. ~~~~ Man is a strange creation of nature. So every man loves to think himself sadder than others. Some people are always busy trying to prove their happiness to others artificially. No one really has the definition of happiness. People are different so the definition of happiness is different for them, the source of happiness is different. Busy again, always indifferent to some things. Everyone can dream, but when it comes to fulfilling, someone succeeds, someone loses. People always want to escape from sorrow in search of happiness. But at the end of the day, grief embraces money. In the midst of that grief, the gains are lost. Thoughts give up consciousness in the midst of happiness. But happiness and sorrows exist among us. Happiness is the abode of sorrows in the midst of everything. Again, it is not right to sink into the sea of ​​sorrow and lose happiness. Both are necessary and constantly revolve in our lives.


Friday, November 13, 2020


   If  stands by someone in peril , he will taste it, but when the danger is over, he won't hesitate to mention , ‘Even if you weren't by his side, danger would are saved / Who told you to remain by his side’? Ungrateful people 6 we do not skills to buy help, but we do not forget to underestimate it ~~~~ Now you'll say that nobody is grateful for the benefit or if the benefit seto didn't help me in my danger then why should I benefit people? If this is often what you think that , then what's the difference between you which person? Why does one stop when nobody is grateful? You continue your work cash in of individuals to present themselves as citizenry , use them to please your own soul, use yourself to differentiate yourself from others. somebody else will learn by watching you. somebody else will learn by watching him. during this way you'll see that the planet has began to change An ingrate also will begin to feel ashamed and can at some point reap the advantages of your good deeds in an unexpected way which was vital to you. ~~~~ Suppose you're very helpful to someone. Whenever he features a problem, cooperate the maximum amount as you'll . Then at some point , you could not help him with a drag . Yes, everything you've got done thus far has become zero in a moment . you'll also hear, ‘You haven't done me any good !!!’ We ourselves may sometimes do an equivalent . People are ungrateful animals. Once we do not get what we would like , we forget all the previous benefits instantly. So don't stop saying that albeit you are doing not express gratitude, never go backIt is extremely important to be grateful for the advantages . This encourages the useful person to try to to more good. There aren't many useful people within the world. And our ungratefulness reduces their numbers a day . ~~~~ Cooperation Whatever it's , each folks should extend a hand to others. Especially if there's a chance to face by the one that is kind to you, if there's a chance to profit him, then it must be used. it's an exquisite opportunity to precise gratitude to the benefactor. If one doesn't express this gratitude, then he's condemned within the eyes of the society, he's also condemned within the eyes of the good Lord of the Worlds. even as a lie gives birth to several lies, so too does arrogance give birth to ingratitude. An arrogant person isn't flexible. even as an individual blinded by self-conceit engages in unrighteous deeds out necessarily , so his ego prevents him from acknowledging the advantages of the benefactor. ~~~~ it's possible to alleviate many injustices of the society just by expressing gratitude. The practice of gratitude is undoubtedly a symbol of greatness. Brotherhood is consolidated through gratitude, which is that the better of humanity


Thursday, November 12, 2020


 Even if you lose, you have to try to win again and again. Even if you stumble and fall, you have to get up. Even after drowning in darkness, one has to find the path of light.  Even after losing everything, le start anew. A new sun rises after every night. The new day begins. New inspiration and new opportunities. Many people come back healthy after a long battle with a serious illness. Some people learn to stand on their own two feet even after the business has calmed down. The weakest student in the class and one day achieves good results through hard work. ~~~~ These things happen all around us all the time. We see with our own eyes. But these are insignificant in number, so they do not carry much importance in our lives. ~~~~ Again, we never want to magnify the success of others, we do not care. We are always busy worrying about our own success. ~~~~ We are less than happy to see the success of others. The achievement of others does not affect us so much. We are not in a positive way. ~~~~ Rather it increases our unrest and jealousy. We are not interested in learning from others. We are good at finding out the negative side of his success.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020



"I want numbing of my brain

For the memories I can't escape

Every single wish we ever made

They keep haunting me everyday

Wanna wake up with Amnesia

Maybe a Dose of Anesthesia

You left me, when I need ya

Every night, I just Feel ya

I was the one that you lied-to

Everywhere I go, I finds you

I was dumb that never had a clue

Everything you said wasn't really true

I just became the part of all the broken hearts

They truly hates the person, who they really wants

I hate that I still want you back

Before the time, your heart went black

I hate all this repeating in my head

Of the rough words you ever said,

My Broken Heart never sleep

And this pain is pretty steep

I maybe can't stop feeling so crazy

After the changes you made to me

I hate thay I am still lonely

You got me off my knees

This misery numbs me slowly

You're the reason, I'm on my feet

Maybe my daydream is finally over

Finally woke up after being sober

My emotions can use some Novocaine

Feeling your breeze in every Rain,

Every Broken Heart never go to sleep

They stay awake, hanging from a cliff

Thanking for the happiness they got

Promising to never give love another shot."



Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Dancers on the graves

We slept one day and did not dream of sleeping

We were happy one day to save our hopes

The absent conscience awoke from his sleep

Water thirsty Zakia blood

They are standing on graves as lazy

They are dancers on graves like fools

You want our sons dead

They made our sons an orphan

Dancers on the graves

Skilled dancers and musicians

They play the lead

Voices Hemt her fingers

She complained about her walls and objects

They are dancers on our bodies

They dance and dance

They are dancing our conscience

Our thoughts are dead

You and I are them

The conscience of Ada spoke long sleep

Sincere sincere and believe the traitor

Sitting on the chair of others

If we sat on it we would not walk them

Our enemies also encroach horses within the fields

They made us like dogs

Ashamed of our women without shame

They kill our children effortlessly

Towards the future of Yemen

Even compassion died from their hearts

The death of the heart died without expression

So the earth abt his campaign fearing

Murat unjust abuse

But there is a fair ruler

Our eyes do not see it, but our hearts see it

One day we will receive equal

The oppressor is accounted for and even enhanced

We are receiving a high paradise

They are throwing us hot fire

Then the slain sleeps in their comfort

The dancers on the graves do not find their places

But this is where it happens

So that Allah makes every order


Monday, November 9, 2020

''I am in your heart"

 "I am in your heart"

Close Your Eyes and feel me, because I am always

Stay in your heart and your life.

  I can't be with you today

 but if you close your eyes and think,

 I will be beside you in the kitchen

 wearing your shirt - standing by the sink.

 I will be with you in the bedroom

 waiting quietly on your bed;

 Just close your eyes and think of me,

 relive those memories in your head.

 I will stand by you in the bathroom,

 an unlikely place to meet;

 I will smile at you so playfully

 as I let you brush my teeth.

 I will be your light in the darkness,

 shining steady through and through;

 You only have to watch it glow

 to know I think of you.

 I will be the music that you listen to,

 I will be there in every song:

 I will laugh with you and sing with you,

 and comfort you when your day's gone wrong.

 I will be the wind that ruffles your hair,

 I will be that warm embrace;

 I will be the hand on your shoulder,

 I will be the tender touch on your face.

 I will be the clock gently ticking,

 reminding you of the times;

 We've shut the rest of the world outside

 we're in our own world - yours and mine.

 I will be the moon as it dances

 on the water cold and still;

 For I have loved you always remember

 and I know I always will.

 Though you may not see me physically

 as you live your life today;

 Just close your eyes and think of me

 I will not be far away.

 And always remember one thing;

You are my best friend,

You are my beloved husband

You are my cute baby,

And I love you more than you..


Sunday, November 8, 2020



Biting the hand that's killing you! What do you do if you have to fight the Person in charge? A abusive parent who gave you your weakness and strengths you probably would not have the strength to fight because weak people don't teach you to be strong it maybe another parent that gives you strength a teacher a preacher at your local Church you will have to kill apart Of you to win.

Are you torn so you took to long or do you need something outside of you to do it. You think in a civil society everybody would help if you call the police it would all be over but they did nothing your Hero was just in your head the police didn't do much and you are not that important you go into a survival,  hope you make it or bite bite bite to live or look for the exit.         Gun shots have been heard from our windows you thank God it didn't hit you then you watch the News and see 2 year olds and 10 years old have been murdered do you go with your 2nd Amendment right and start shooting realizing your founding fathers knew the police system was going to fail you and you were the only security around Justified or murder it is your life you are fighting for God made you for a reason

Live bite fight "PURPOSE"


Saturday, November 7, 2020




Times are difficult 

One drop at a time 

Every ounce of blood is drawn out

To meet the expenditures of daily life. 

Everyone feels the pinch

Governments are silent

We have just to tip toe our way around this

People are worried about daily affairs

All reserves  are being used up

Businesses are suffering

People are coping with this mighty problem

Survival is becoming difficult

For the rich and the poor 

All feeling the pinch

Life is not easy anymore

One side Covid 19

On the other side

 grieving  poverty Touching every individual 

Citizens are silent

The whole world is silent

Economies are crashing

But everyone is hand in hand

 Facing this reality

If all reserves are empty

How will we survive

The desease is racing forward  infecting people

Everyone is feeling the financial pinch

Oh God please have mercy on us

Rid us of these difficult times

We are all one 

The world is one today

Silent prayers are in every heart

A future we have to create

Coming generations will have to be smarter

Than the ones before

We have to keep this world alive 

Otherwise there is no other way

All minds and hearts 

Speak as one 

Silently through their eyes 

Then We Shall Live 

And We will Live 

To outsmart  these difficult times!!!!!


Friday, November 6, 2020


 A Monster without a Face

A shadow without a body,

He has no voice and no name.

He eats whatever comes in his way,

Having no choice, He eats, but he has no taste.

He fills and fills, but he is empty from inside.

If I had to tell you how he looks like,

I can’t because he has No Face.

He has no friends, but he understands what loneliness is.

He tries to speak as best as he can,

With people who are sad.

Hoping that somehow they will understand .

But his hunger keeps growing more and more,

He just wants to fill his stomach and have a voice beyond his own.

So he craves for souls and eats them,

They call him a monster, monster and nothing more.

He attracts souls by offering gold he has,

But some of them refuse,

And he understands that some souls cannot be bought like the rest.

Neither for greed nor for anything.

So he tries to love them,

But they always seems to love someone else.

He is not the best, not so perfect,

After all, he is a monster with no face,

He is different, Not like the rest.

His anger rises up if he finds nothing to eat,

He screams and shout,

And hunts for the souls,

Doesn’t matter bitter or sweet.

He just wants to eat and eat.

His body keeps growing every time he eats,

He is lonely, sad and all alone.

He floats at night like the other ghosts,

Neither he rests nor does he sleeps.

He is huge, but deep down he feels so thin,

He is stronger than the mountain

but he is weak from within.

But he feels tired and old,

He has forgotten how to live,

He has no heart so he keeps giving the gold.

The one he loved left him all alone,

They asked for more and he had nothing to give except for gold.

He is slowly torn apart,

By the people he loved, they left him with no heart.

Now he floats in dark places,

Along with the other ghosts.

He spends most of his time in hollow spaces,

He doesn’t remember when was the last time he felt something.

He follows the poor sad souls,

Holding no love, but all his glittering gold.

But they move forward, he remains behind

Sad and Alone.

They turn away and leave him shattered and torn.

He searches for himself for what he could not find,

Wondering why they just leave without a goodbye.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020



 You know even if our feet were not equal, but we shared the same distance.

Even though the weathers were not favourable, we endured the stormy ones together. As well as the sunny days

Even though we used to have a little, but atleast what we shared kept us going.

Even if circumstances made things become difficult, but through agony and tragedy smile remained priceless.

Even though quiet moments would arrive, still we afforded a single jam to keep the day going.

Tears would run out my eyes, you cared to wipe them away.

Smile was our everyday gift that meant everything.

Being intelligence and remain intellectuals was our priority.

Winning was part of the game, that's why we would invite positivity time and again.

You would fetch it, if it was far for me to reach.

How angry you would become when I get to make my hair alone, instead of inviting you over.

Most of all you were a resident in my heart, though you've lost the address now.

It's now cracking up because you left it, now everything is in a pit of darkness.

Peace is finally the enemy of it now, same goes with harmony.

The sweetness has gone to sour, things are nolonger the same.

We more like strangers, but I get to remember we shared a laughter together.

I'm more like your enemy, but I haven't changed from who I was not even my feelings.

Change is unavoidable, that's my everyday song it's stuck in my head.

I've discovered my other talents in your absence, I know you would give a genuine compliment.

I hate giggles they remind me of you, I want to forget.

I want to forget, but I feel like I'm playing with my mind.

It's constantly stuck into those dreams we used to talk about that we promised to reach them together.

I haven't bought new shoes, these one's remind me of you and the events we attended.

As for clothes yeah I have but I've attended several places with them, I guess it's some sort of a chapter I've just opened, but it's crazy because I'm without you.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A true love

 When the right on takes you heart 

Perhaps it is unplanned perhaps no one sees it coming, but it happens like a fast second the moment you turn around love just grabs you. It’s never planned it’s never thought about. It’s just a happy feeling that comes over you when that right person comes along that you can’t get off your mind. Every love song every happy feeling reminds you of that person that takes your heart. 

Love is more than a crush. Love is a 

Feeling to be a part of that persons existence even though you’re afraid to overshadow that persons space 

But your feelings are over taken 

When that right person takes your heart! Life is never the same no mater how the weather is outside the sun always shines the feeling of love as you think of that true love. 

You just can’t get that love off your mind a feeling you would never trade for the world but are afraid to let the world know that person is a big part of your heart. Like the air we breath you just can’t get that person off your mind but in a way you really don’t want too. Because you know the right person took your heart. Just the thought that they can take your heart apart makes you feel happy and sad at the same time, but you know deep inside it’s a feeling you wouldn’t trade for the world and you wish time would just stand still. For in this life in order to be happy we take chances and go for it, to be happy perhaps. But you know you wouldn’t have it no other way. For its only happiness when you share love with the person that took your heart. When you realize you are with the right one the love of your life . As you know it’s the right one that owns your heart. Every love song reminds you of your true love a feeling of like the first crush that you can’t get off your mind. When the right one owns your heart........


Monday, November 2, 2020

Your path of life

                       Your path of life

The Life leading you to new direction and unexpected road

Your route of life is changing right ahead of you without you'll ever predict

Like the sea that sweeps small stones and shells with him within the top of the coast

Like the cold wind that blowing and flip everywhere the fragile branches of the tree

Like the surge water into the skinny ravines inside the rocks bulder determined

You choose yourself the proper way which you switch to

Sometimes what ever you would possibly choose or do will lead you ultimately to at least one trail that has already determined for you

No Matter what you'll do or attempt to address all of your ways will offer you an equivalent direction of your life

There is someone who make the principles and provides you direction to your path

The just one course that made for you from the start

At the top of all is merely permanently purpose that was destined for you

Even if sometimes you think that you gonna lose your way

Someone always be there for you and look after you to point out you the sunshine at the top of the tunnel

Someone there send you angels to assist you select to assist you to ascertain better to assist you to listen to the proper words within the right time

All you've got to try to to is simply hear yourself

To listen to the whisper of your heart


Sunday, November 1, 2020





There was a time when i hated me 

So unaware Of what i would be

A lonely feather caught On the breeze

Bourne aloft by a sence of unease

Nedding to sattle to Scared to land

And torn in two with only a strand

Holding together this whirling Mind

A slim silver strand That served to mind

There,s more to me than i evar thought 

Oh how well life,s lessons have been thought 

Before the mirror what do i see?

A man with a plan just to be me

Been around that block Many a time

I am feeling may age and past my prime

But truthfully with a hand on my heart

Learning to love me was a good strat.




You know when the time pass, the day you think about the night 

You know the smile the laughter, time goes without noticing the night has gone by in so many ways you can feel the touch, hold hands tight 

A fight l thought about, made my move it seemed love got me lost this time A lesson l gave, the feeling is the same but to me it's a fight l couldn't give, l did all the expressions l could find but her l see my self lost in time 

Listen l can still remember the first day l gave myself to the light that bounced to her face, A feeling l couldn't take l stood there smiling and there she was with her shy smile

I could go all day about it but all it took from me was my smile

All of this it's already in my heart every letter has it's own feeling to this story, if you know how l crave for this connection again and again 

Every time l go to bed am not fine

A dream it was, l got myself inlove went through the pain, sad days revived l asked myself am l going insane, everything goes by

Mind over matter kept myself alive thinking just maybe she will come back at some point l tried to define the time the lies the setback, Heal was the word l knew a way to raise myself up love got me back down every time l told myself am okay one memory will come by every time to remind me this is the one l love

Forever and ever we plan, the plan goes forever, we all tried to walk over the Dam trying to to separate the truth from reality, we teach ourselves to love but hate is born through the lessons, we give ourselves to love something we don't see but we can feel, we realise that we so far gone that time and space is not the matter anymore, love shut all senses down, l couldn't see myself all this time l wasn't there anymore, l had to reboot no...restart no l took my feathers l flew away because l forgot what l was falling for

This is how l express myself, l write for myself not to depress myself but to impress myself







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