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Friday, January 1, 2021

Gold Digger

 Gold Digger

She'd never SAY that money mattered...

Really all that much to her.

But at a DOZEN hearts get shattered...

When she finds OUT how broke they were.

She got an EYE for wealthy men...

Sees them EVEN in disguise!

The man of means of which she dreams...

 Would RUN ...if he was wise!

With the morals of the ALLEY cat...

The cunning OF the fox...

She's GOT to keep that tummy flat...

While Keeping track of stocks!

A TRUE gold digger NEEDS a diamond bigger...

Than the Rolls Royce on his BILLION dollar yacht!

At least an 8 digit figure...

For this BEAUTIFUL gold digger...

To cover what she BELIEVES that must be bought!

She needs a WEALTHY man who pays...

But she is NOT the kind that stays...

In a low budget kind of MONEY situation!

Because her standards are so HIGH...

She's still SEARCHING for that guy...

Who UNDERSTSTANDS the high cost of inflation!

Because a girls GOTTA do... what a girl must do... 

but she MIGHT USE you in her seduction PRACTICE run!

But there's pavement you must POUND...

If a TARGET comes around!

A GOOD gold digger's SEARCHING'S never done!

She's a GOOD gold digger..

And if his BANK account is bigger...

But she MUSTN'T look too eager at the start!

But she still NEEDS to pay her maid...

And her LAWYERS all need paid...

She CAN'T afford to give just ANYONE her heart!

You see her life of luxury... 

Is GUARANTEED to be....

MORE than he has MADE in his lifetime.

She's the EXPERT at the tease...

And HE'LL be begging please...

To make a man go CRAZY'S not a crime!?!?

She creates DESIRE that no man...

could even HOPE he COULD withstand...

She knows EXACTLY how his lust is cultivated!

And if he FLASHES enough GOLD...

She COULD be bought or sold...

But she will NEED to EXTREMELY compensated!

He'll be the ONE that buys her bling....

The MANSION and that ring...

And she's the one that always SEEMS to file first!

A gold Digger beyond compare...

She just needs her man to share.

A little bit of SOMETHING for the purse!

She's so CUTE he can't resist...

And his money won't be much missed...

But the life insurance limits seem so extreme!

So she'll sigh and say goodbye ...

And he may never quite know why...

But a GOOD gold digger's GOT to have more BLING!


Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Sometimes, I'm afraid to speak in English.

I'm scared to use the language.

I feel conscious and uneasy.

Thinking of what the people may say.

If I violate the English rules,

If I fail to use the language proficiently

If my grammar, isn't correct

If I don't know the proper punctuation

If I'm wrong in picking up the appropriate tenses

If my verse is lacking figurative speech

And many more violations

That against the language regulations.

Some will laugh

Some will raise an eyebrow

Some will look down on me

Some will insult or mock me 

Some will simply ignore 

And some will tell, 

and let me know my errors.

So, I can correct.

How will I learn,

if I won't let go of my fear?

How will I improve, 

if I'm not going to face the difficulty?

I never want to lose a battle, 

without any attempt to fight

I don't easily give up,

on things without trying.

It's now or never

Win or lose

At least I tried,

and I did my best.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Show Your Work

 Show Your Work

If you want to succeed in poetry, start off by showing your work.

Be proud of what you've created, even when others will smirk.

Focus on what is important, take a chance and write what you please.

Always stay true to your form and remember the abc 's

Never be afraid to fail, get back up and follow your heart.

What you think is masterfully written, others will rip apart.

There are many types of poets, together we are never alone.

Follow your own set of rules, nothing is set in stone.

Don't worry about comments, or how many hits you may get.

There is a reason why you write, so please don't ever forget.

We all have to start somewhere, ignore the bullying jerk.

If you want to succeed at poetry, start off by showing your work.


Thursday, December 24, 2020



Endearing how you fear to hold

Never treated quite right I'm told

I'll treasure you like precious gold

and we'd feel young as we grow old

and that would be endearing.

Endearing is my word for you

Your smile makes this world new

I dream we start... and I hope soon we do...

Like no love before we knew

It would surely be endearing!

Endearing how you're sometimes shy

So happy then you almost cry

So strong yet sometimes fear to try...

Can't figure you out and I know not why...

and yet you are endearing

Endearing in everything you do

You still believe in dreams come true...

Lost people find thier God in you...

And I love the way you see things new...

and you are indeed... endearing

I’d wait a life time for one chance with you

Than settle for a love less true

There’s nothing you need say or do

You are endearing and I love you.

You know, I know, it's up to you

Because a love enduring still takes two.

It feels so good when I'm with you.

I believe you are my dream come true

that's why you are endearing.


Michael C Jones

Endearing how you fear to hold

Never treated quite right I'm told

I'll treasure you like precious gold

and we'd feel young as we grow old

and that would be endearing.

Endearing is my word for you

Your smile makes this world new

I dream we start ... and I hope soon we do ...

Like no love before we knew

It would surely be endearing!

Endearing how you're sometimes shy

So happy then you almost cry

So strong yet sometimes fear to try ...

Can't figure you out and I know not why ...

and yet you are endearing

Endearing in everything you do

You still believe in dreams come true ...

Lost people find thier God in you ...

And I love the way you see things new ...

and you are indeed ... endearing

I'd wait a life time for one chance with you

Than settle for a love less true

There's nothing you need to say or do

You are endearing and I love you.

You know, I know, it's up to you

Because a love enduring still takes two.

It feels so good when I'm with you.

I believe you are my dream come true

that's why you are endearing.



Tuesday, December 8, 2020



Nothing or nobody born with perfection

The Almighty is the only exception

Surrender of imperfection leads to divinity

Work with devotion can bring eternity.

Lack of comprehension, lack of loyalty

Very often the cause of failure and frailty.

Some imperfection comes closer to perfection

Through the path of patience, perseverance and rectification.

All imperfections need to be revised, remoulded, mended

Only imperfections get a chance to be refined, reformed

Like a piece of gold sparkles forever in the end we must comprehend

Becomes the legandry instance in the annals of mankind in hand

No perfection without imperfection a naked truth to accept

As there's no rising without falling nobody can ignore the concept

Admittance of own imperfections remains above all suspect

Rightly one said, 'advice is better than precept' we have to expect.

Imperfection like childhood seeks a place, person and time

Caring, and dairing to share undoubtedly attracts like a rhyme

Suppressing imperfection like germinating seed to grow a poison tree

Before bearing the fruits better to fell the tree to be fair and free


Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Pain .. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Ailing with fever, hurting with searing knifelike stabs

Imagine having your heart tore to shreds by a beast

Needing drs to fix the broken pieces that once was thee. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Acknowledging a sore (Cancer) inside eating you alive 

Indescribable unprecedented searing punches and stabs

Needing pills - the immense pain and hurt must flee ... 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

A throbbing, gnawing, sharp toothed beast biting you

Imagine falling into the flames of hell - your skin melting off

Needing an IV filled with fluid, medicine to appease the beast. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Ailments unnoticeable ... Inside burried deep, an organ or two.

Indescribable fear of hurting so bad and yet wating to live ...

Nothing compared to a problem no one can see it will repeat .. 

Pain comes in many types and forms you see ...

Another Dr, Another Pill, Another Shot, Another Day ...

Impenetrable beast, they say. It won't go away, it's here to stay

Nothing will fix this monster - you must live with it in thee.





It won't go away. It is here to stay. Live with it they Say. PAIN! 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Forever chasing dreams


Forever chasing dreams

I'm Forever chasing dreams

I know I will never achieve

But I know to never give up

In my heart I still believe


I know rainbows don't exist

They are images in my mind

But I know I still have to believe

A pot of gold is hiding behind

Forever I have been searching

But still I have to find my gold

It's a story my father told me

When I was nearly 3 years old

I have never lost that faith

Or the will that drives me on

I will keep on searching for my goal

Until I know all my hope has gone

You may think that I'm a dreamer

But dreams are all I have left now

For without my dreams my life is over

But still I will cope with life somehow

You see I have never been a quitter

I live my life the best I can

You see I'm not a hopeless dreamer

In every dream I see a master plan

What is a man without a dream

A mere shadow of himself on show

Wandering through his life aimlessly

With no particular place to go

We have all had this feeling

At one time or another in our life

That's why I cling on to my dreams

It helps me banish all my strife

One day I know I will find my dream

I know it's just a matter of faith

Until then I will still go on believing

For my beliefs are what keep me safe







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Gold Digger

  Gold Digger She'd never SAY that money mattered... Really all that much to her. But at a DOZEN hearts get shattered... When she finds ...

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